Monday, October 13, 2008


Another blog??? What the heck was I thinking?? I don't even have my website done. AH, I know what this is... a subconscious DIVERSION to keep me from finishing. I guess it's not so subconscious if I'm writing about it though. Damn, I'll have to find another excuse.

Not really sure what this blog is going to consist of... probably not much.... maybe some product reviews. Possibly a restaurant review or two. My husband is ever the critic when we go out, so maybe I'll put his food reviews here as well.

It's raining. That's good and bad... see we were suppose to go to Enchanted Rock this morning for a lovely hike in the hill country. I got up at 6am, which is a feat in itself. I am not an early riser. Fixed my hair, even put on a little makeup... should have checked the weather last night... DOH! Son knocks on the door and informs me of the weather situation DAMN! I guess I'm fixing breakfast now, unpack the trail mix, and console one very upset daughter. We really need the rain though and it looks like it's going to be a nice constant drizzle all day. Happy trees! (Bob Ross cracks me up)

I'm thinking about leaving all the typos in this post as free therapy for my friend Feathermaye who has serious issues with typos... muhahahahaha... just kidding! I'm totally leaving all the punctuation errors though. I can't bring myself to not run spell check.

Headed out to the studio, I hear beads calling my name. Oh wait! I have a website that's calling my name... sigh... ok, ok I'm going to work on it.